Career Returners.

The Career Returners initiative empowers professional women who are ready to return to work while also supporting participating organisations to access an untapped talent pool of professional women returning to work.

We support women who have experience as leaders in executive roles return to their career after taking an extended break. We do this in the following ways

  • Providing one to one coaching sessions to help build a plan for a potential return - this can include areas such as determining an ideal future role, identifying critical strengths and capabilities, developing a network of contacts and crafting a positioning statement that help potential employers see their value
  • Making introductions to potential employers from our extensive client base who are looking to increase the number of senior women in their business
  • Offering short workshops to help groups of participants refresh and refine specific skill sets and to help them develop a network with other people in a similar situation to themselves

Please contact us if you would like any further information about the program and how we can support you.




Unlocking Leadership Excellence with Leader360


3 Ideas from my time with Adam Grant

Career Development

Is the gap widening between people leaders and team members’ perceptions of what good management looks like?